Home beauty Hair Quick hair masks

Nowadays many women complain about the lack of time to take care of themselves. Therefore, they prefer not to use the services of beauty salons, but to do caring procedures on their own. One of the self-care options is quick masks that work in just a couple of minutes.

How to make quick masks

Before proceeding with the analysis of recipes for effective minute masks, let's get acquainted with some rules and recommendations for their implementation. So to fast-acting mask was more effective, use the following tips:

  • The ingredients used in homemade masks must be fresh. If you are using products, then they should be free of signs of spoilage.


  • It is best to use a kitchen blender to get a smooth paste.
  • Do not deviate from the recipe, do not change the amount of products, or substitute one ingredient for another. So you will save yourself from possible negative consequences, for example, from an allergic reaction or aggressive effects on the hair and dermis of the head.
  • If the mixture for masks it turns out to be very liquid, it is convenient to apply it with a medical syringe with the needle removed. To do this, draw the product into a syringe and apply it over the surface of the head, dividing the hair into partings. This will save you a lot of time.
  • For better absorption of the active ingredients, it is recommended to rub quick masks into the epidermis of the head.
  • Don't mix too much mask. Home care products cannot be stored, so only make up the amount of mask needed for a single use.
  • Wash the mixture from the strands with ordinary running water, if the product is not washed out well enough, you can use an additional familiar shampoo.
  • After deleting masks with strands, you can rinse them with herbal decoction or simply apply the decoction to the hair by spraying it from a spray bottle.

Quick hair masks

To give the hair splendor and moisture, a fast-acting mask with an egg. Whisk 2 raw yolks with a whisk, gradually, while whisking, add a couple of tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, 2 drops of grapefruit oil extract and the same amount of vitamin A oil solution. Grind a couple of fresh parsley sprigs separately and mix with the resulting mass. The mask is applied to the strands washed and slightly wrung out with a towel, distributing not only along the root part, but also over the entire length of the curls. After application, the product is left to act for 3 minutes and washed off with shampoo. After this mask, it is better not to use a hairdryer, but to let the hair dry naturally.


To prevent splitting the ends of the hairs, it is necessary to make a quick mustard mask on the ends of the strands. For this mask, beat a raw egg, a small spoonful of mustard and the same amount of wine or apple cider vinegar. Add another 30 ml of olive oil while whisking. The finished creamy mass is applied to the lower part of the curls for a length of about 8 cm. Then this part is wrapped in cling film and left to act for 5 minutes. After that, the product is washed off with running water, it is advisable not to use shampoo.

A gelatin mask will help to give the strands smoothness and relieve them of porosity. For her, you need to mix 2 small spoons of gelatin with hot milk until the granules dissolve. Milk will need about 20 ml. Leave the gelatin to swell for 3 minutes. Then cut the chilled butter into thin slices and mix with warm milk mixture. Spread the mask over the washed, damp curls, wrap them in plastic and leave to act for 10 minutes. Then rinse off in the usual way.

Quick face masks

You can save time not only in caring for your hair. There are quite effective recipes for masks for the face. For example, a salt mask will help smooth out the relief, relieve fatigue and restore velvety. It is best to use sea salt in this case. You just need to dilute a large spoonful of sea salt with half a glass of water, and then moisten a napkin in the solution and apply it to your face. In a quarter of an hour, the skin will acquire a rested appearance, the swelling under the eyes will disappear.


Protein mask works great on oily dermis. With its help, you can smooth the face, improve its shade and cleanse it of impurities. Whisk the egg white, along with a small spoonful of lemon juice and a large spoonful of almond oil, into a lather. Spread the resulting mass over the face and leave for 15 minutes to act. Use cool water to remove the mask.

For skin prone to dryness, oil masks are great. You just need to moisten a piece of gauze in heated olive oil or any other vegetable oil. Apply the compress to your face for 15 minutes. If olive oil is not available, you can use any other base oil.

1 reply to this post
  1. Quick masks are ready-made masks) I like pharmacy masks, regenerating is good, it is with a grape seed extract, just for my forever dyed hair)

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