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Rose is an ornamental plant that belongs to the family of rose hips or rosaceae. Not all varieties are suitable for growing at home ...
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Strawberries are one of the most beloved berries in our country. It can be grown practically throughout Russia. This berry is unpretentious in care ...
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You can find wild strawberries in almost every garden plot. People call its garden form strawberries. Gardeners appreciate this berry for its excellent ...
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Hazelnut or hazel can be grown independently even in Siberian frosts. This compact shrub is unpretentious to keeping conditions and with good ...
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Another name for the indoor plant Spathiphyllum is "Women's happiness". The flower belongs to the Aroid family. The homeland of Spathiphyllum is equatorial Latin America and the Philippine Islands ....
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Gloxinia is a popular flower among connoisseurs of indoor plants. Another name for this plant is synningia beautiful. It accurately describes the features of the flower ...
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It is customary to refer to the Olive plants a perennial plant called Jasmine. Its bushes are distinguished by beautiful, exquisite flowers with an extraordinary aroma, reminiscent of strawberries. For a while ...
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The attractive bright anthurium came to us from the subtropical forests of South America. In nature, there are about 500 species of anthuriums, some of which have become ...
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Any gardener or gardener dreams of a clean and well-groomed area where there is no weed. But in reality, you have to wage a daily struggle with ...
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Delicious blueberry belongs to the Lingonberry family. It has a pleasant taste and aroma and is extremely beneficial to health. Blueberries are eaten in ...